Maria Bichler

Maria, also known as „Moidei“ was born Maria Deutinger on May 8, 1907 on the Poltenhof farmstead in Pfaffenhofen. She was the eldest daughter of Therese Scheiber, a daughter of the farm at Egger, and of Josef Deutinger, the young
farmer of Polten. Moidei spent her childhood with her sister Thresl and their
brother Sepp at the Poltenhof.
As a young girl she liked to play with Simon from the Schützing farmstead.
The farmstead lies in Schützing , the next closest village and the only village with
a train station. When Moidei was 16, her mother approved a marriage between
her and Simon.
"I spent all my life at the Poltenhof farmstead and later
here at the Schützing farmstead: my whole life.
I came here from the farmstead at Polten.
Just that short way, for my husband. That's the way of things."
Moidei bore her husband one daughter and 3 sons, one of whom died young in a car crash. She spent her whole life as a farmer’s wife at the Schützinghof farmstead. Her husband died in 1993, but Moidei lived to be 103. She died in summer 2010 after 3 weeks at the old folk’s home Farmach in Saalfelden.